About Us
In a highly technical industry of Information Technology, Blue Arc Tech is paving the way in Human Resource and Software consulting across the globe.

Blue Arc Tech successfully delivered IT services across the US for over a decade.
Blue Arc Tech is a Technology Company with a Focus on Digital Trends transforming our client’s IT landscape. We deliver a full range of services including IT consulting, application development, testing & enterprise solutions. Our committed teams possess a unique blend of technical and functional knowledge. By combining our Information Technology and strategic thinking with the best in People, Technology & Process we deliver clear and measurable high-value outcomes for our clients
Our Mission
We provide top quality technical and software professionals on a permanent and long-term contractual basis to companies with such needs, meeting their immediate hiring needs and in achieving long-term business goals & objective
Core Values
- Candidates can be chosen from a vast database of qualified candidates
- Develop a strict control over staffing costs
- Providing a high flexibility in operations.
Why Choose Us?
- Source the candidates through Head Hunting / Internal Database
- Screen the candidates based on the hiring criteria and job description.
- Medical checks if required.
- Skill enhancement programs for selected applicants
- Provide Assistance to initial journey to work-site if required